March 30, 2010

by Judy del Cuadro-Zimmerman in Washington DC

Stephen is keeping busy learning the inner-workings of car engines and will hopefully keep us out of trouble when it comes to fixing up the ambulance. Judy is honing her horse-riding skills, mastering bike-riding and car-driving (both stick shift and automatic), and bench-pressing several times per week. tom is drastically improving his violin dexterity in addition to hitting the gym hard in an effort to improve his vertical leap.

team injury reports will be provided weekly perhaps monthly until mongol rally ‘10 depending on the severity and frequency of injuries: Judy and Stephen appear to be in good health. tom recently broke his nose and deviated his septum. he can no longer breath out of either nostril and will have surgery to straighten that baby out in a week and a half. before and after pictures to come… the nose must be straight for mongol rally.


tom may decide to leave the nose the way it is and attempt to take on Owen Wilson-type movie roles. tom also has a cool face mask he wears to play basketball. it glows in the dark.