December 20, 2011
by Stephen Jan in Tangiers, Morocco
Entering Morocco through Tangiers took several hours. The processes was obviously very different from European border crossings (at least for Americans): long queues, shuffling here and there, everything happening at the whim of some border official. It reminded me of border crossings beyond Turkey on the Mongol Rally.
The procedure:
- Find your way to the front of the line (orderly or not orderly, just get there)
- Get the attention of the border official
- Fill out a green form. (Customs for the car)
- Get the attention of the border official and he’ll scribble something on the form, stamp it, and throw it into the stack of green slips
- Get directed to the police and they’ll enter you into some computer.
- Wait a while.
- Get the attention of the border official and maybe he’ll push your paperwork along.
- Eventually paperwork is completed
- Take the car over to the next line of cars
- Exchange some money
- Fight your way to the front of one of four car insurance booths. (requires extreme patience and tenacity)
- Buy car insurance for 10 days.
- done
Since I had the most experience dealing with borders, I dealt with the border official. Once we got past that first phase, Kunal decided to brave the insurance line.
The whole processes took a couple hours. It take a bit of patience but was relatively painless.
Next stop: Rabat.